mercoledì 13 giugno 2018


Luca Canever TAGteach Faculty

Per anni, la "Scienza del comportamento" è stata oggetto di studio di scienziati e ricercatori chiusi nei laboratori, al lavoro con animali e pile di strani strumenti. Tuttavia, le leggi comportamentali (per esempio: “Un comportamento verrà probabilmente ripetuto se le sue conseguenze sono positive”) sono qualcosa che dobbiamo conoscere perché l’apprendimento di un nuovo comportamento è la chiave di ogni processo educativo. Come professionisti dell’educazione o meno, cerchiamo costantemente di modificare, insegnare o estinguere. La domanda è: possiamo fare la differenza sull'educazione se non sappiamo su cosa stiamo lavorando? Siamo in grado di essere insegnanti solidali e premurosi se non conosciamo la scienza che spiega le leggi del comportamento e come utilizzarle?

Il TAGteach è una nuova tecnica comportamentale, che sta colmando il divario tra i laboratori scientifici e la vita quotidiana. Il TAGteach aiuta ogni insegnante perché si basa su leggi comportamentali e ha sviluppato linguaggio e strumenti di facile utilizzo da parte di tutti. Non abbiamo più bisogno di padroneggiare complicate conoscenze scientifiche per migliorare le nostre capacità di insegnamento.

Tutti potrebbero beneficiare di questo tipo di conoscenza: i genitori, gli insegnanti, gli allenatori sportivi e i lavoratori. Il TAGteach aiuta tutti gli insegnanti definendo cosa sapranno fare gli studenti alla fine del processo in termini di obiettivi comportamentali; per esempio: Luigi sarà in grado di allacciarsi le scarpe da solo; o: Maria saprà risolvere 30 addizioni a una cifra al minuto). Allo stesso modo, il TAGteach aiuta gli studenti ad avere una chiara comprensione di ciò che devono fare per avere successo. La comunicazione è forte, precisa e positiva, fornendo una buona esperienza a tutti.

Se sei interessato a saperne di più sul TAGteach, visita il nostro sito Web e dai un'occhiata ai nostri corsi gratuiti on line.

martedì 12 giugno 2018

Getting Ready for a TAGteach Live Advanced Workshop!

Luca Canever

This is a short guide to introduce you to one if our Live Workshops. We desire to give you the best experience. These are few tips about how to get  ready and what to expect from attending to the workshop.

Welcome to a TAGteach live Workshop!

Happy Advanced TAGteachers 
For those of you who have taken the on line course, this will be your first TAGteach live Workshpo. 

TAGteach Workshops are friendly environments: we invite you to relax and enjoy the experience. Feel free to ask questions whenever you need: this will be a learning opportunity for everyone in the room. During the sessions, we will have some breaks and we will have lunch together. Use these moments to meet the other participants and make connections. People participating to a TAGteach seminar come from many backgrounds (teachers, coaches, Behavioral Analysts, Speech therapist, dog trainers and parents). Take the opportunity to discover how they are applying TAGteach in their fields. You never know from where good ideas could come from. As your presenter, I will be at your disposal during breaks to answer your questions and chat with you.

In the advanced workshop, we will not review that much the TAGteach. We will talk about Focus Funnel, TAGteach triangle and tag point not to explain them but to use them. We suggest you take a quick review to the TAGteach On line Courses before coming to the workshop. As always, feel free to ask questions. 

Getting Advanced!

A Standard Celeration Chart. Our tool for recording data.

In an advanced workshop, we will cover different topics; our focus will be to give you the tools to implement TAGteach in your field, right from the end of the workshop.

TAGteach is a technology always moving forward. For years we have been focused on increasing correct responses. It is easy to do that using the tagger and the TAGteach protocol. Lately we have changed our way of thinking about learning: we have begun to think that learning a goal-behavior is not only about correct responses. Speed of execution plays a key role as well. We want to teach fast and correct responses. For this reason, our practices will focus on getting both correct and fast behaviors from our learners. This is a paper about behavioral fluency.

Finally, we will address the topic of recording behavioral data . This is a new feature in TAGteach and one we are really excited about. We will discuss how to record data from learners' performances and how to use these data for analyze the learning process. This is where TAGteach is really going advanced!

The tagger: our main tool

lunedì 4 giugno 2018


Luca Canever  - TAGteach Faculty

For years, the “Science of behavior” has been the subject of scientists and researchers enclosed in labs, working with animals and piles of strange instruments. However, behavioral laws (i.e.: a behavior will likely be repeated if its consequences are positive) are something we want to know because behavioral change is the key of every educational process. As education professionals or not, we are changing our behaviors and those of others; in other words we learn and teach constantly. The question is: can we make a difference on education if we do not know what are we working upon? Can we be supportive and caring teachers if we do not know the science that explains how behavior works and how we can affect it?

TAGteach is a new behavioral technique, which is closing the gap between science labs and everyday life. TAGteach helps every teacher because it is based on behavioral laws and it has developed user-friendly language and tools. We do not need any more to master complex scientific jargon to improve our teaching skills.

Everyone could benefit from this knowledge: parents (are your kids troubling you, here and there?); teachers (could your students help a little of positive reinforcement?); sport coaches (do you want to boost your athletes’ results?); workers (are you looking for improve your workplace performances?). TAGteach helps teachers to define behavioral goals for the students. In the same way, TAGteach helps students to get a clear understanding of what they are supposed to do. The communication is sharp, precise and positive, providing a positive learning experience to everyone.

If you’are interested to know more about TAGteach, please visit our website and take a look at our free on linecourses.

We are pleased to inform you that TAGteach is coming (for the first time to Wales) with a Seminar in Cardiff (find more)